AgBase is a curated, open-source,
web-accessible resource for functional analysis of agricultural plant
and animal gene products. AgBase is hosted and supported, in part,
by the IGBB. The AgBase team consists of biocurators and computational
biologists under the direction of Dr. Fiona M. McCarthy.
The long-term goal of AgBase is to serve the needs of agricultural research
communities by facilitating genome annotation for agriculture researchers
and for those researchers primarily using agricultural species as biomedical

Host-Pathogen Interaction Database
(HPIDB) is a resource designed to help scientists annotate, predict, and display host-pathogen interactions (HPI). Understanding HPI that underpin infectious diseases is critical for developing novel intervention strategies. The HPIDB is managed by IGBB Fellow Dr. Bindu Nanduri.
Dr. Christine FortuinAssistant Professor
ForestryIGBB Affiliate
email(662) 325-0282
Dr. Esteban GaleanoAssistant Professor
ForestryIGBB Affiliate
email(662) 325-7782
Asian lady beetle genomics & proteomics
IGBB Scientists:
Selene Perales
Tibor Pechan
Olga Pechanova
Daniel Peterson
The IGBB is supported, in part, by the following units:
The IGBB is an HPC² member center.