Self-Service Equipment Use (By Trained User)

Protein sample prep using Covaris (shearing tubes provided by user)

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8000A) prior to solo machine use. Tissue and homogenization tubes will be provided by the IGBB. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Proteomics Lead.

Protein sample prep using Covaris (shearing tubes provided by IGBB)

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8000A) prior to solo machine use. Tissue and homogenization tubes will be provided by the IGBB. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Proteomics Lead.

CyDye-stained gel imaging

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8150A) prior to solo machine use. Reagents, plasticware, etc., are the responsibility of the customer. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Proteomics Lead.

Bioanalyzer analysis (if reagents and chip are supplied by the user)

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8250D) prior to solo machine use. Purchase and storage of chips and reagents for Bioanalyzer are the responsibility of the customer. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead or Lab Manager.

Bioanalyzer analysis (if reagents and chip are supplied by IGBB)

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8250D) prior to solo machine use. One chip and reagents are provided by the IGBB. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead or Lab Manager.

Nanodrop analysis
6 mo access

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8350D) prior to solo machine use. Reagents, pipet tips, pipettors, Kimwipes, etc., are the responsibility of the customer. Purchase of U8350D affords customer 6 months access to Nanodrop. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Lab Manager.


Customer must successfully complete user training (T8400B) prior to solo machine use. All reagents, plasticware, etc., are the responsibility of the customer. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead.

Qubit (fluorometric) quantification (if reagents and tube are supplied by user)
6 mo access

Customer must complete user training (T8450B). Qubit reagents and sample tubes are the responsibility of the customer. Purchase of U8450B affords customer 6 months access to Qubit. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead.

Qubit (fluorometric) quantification (if reagents and tube are supplied by IGBB)

Customer must complete user training (T8450B). Qubit reagents and sample tubes are supplied by the IGBB. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead.

Nucleic acid sonication (Covaris)

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8550B) prior to solo machine use. Shearing tubes and reagents are the responsibility of the customer (contact the IGBB for details). Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead.

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE); customer supplies reagents

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8910B) prior to solo machine use. Customer is responsible for all reagents/support equipment including agarose, MW ladders, buffers, pipet tips, etc. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Genomics Lead.

Protean isoelectric focusing; customer provides reagents

Customer must successfully complete user training (T8920A) prior to solo machine use. Customer should start with quantified protein sample dissolved in IEF compatible buffer. All reagents including IPG strips are the responsibility of the customer. Customer can reserve a machine by contacting the IGBB Proteomics Lead.

The IGBB is supported, in part, by the following units:

The IGBB is an HPC² member center.